Monday, November 21, 2016

Blogs vs. Wikis

Compare and contrast blogs and wikis. Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world. How can blogs be used for collaboration? Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
Cite at least 2 of the assigned readings
Convergence is very important in today's world. Something can easily become obsolete if it doesnt keep up with the times. Convergence of two things can be a plus. It can bring about the benefits of two worlds and take away boundaries. A blog is basically a website that is maintained by one or a team of contributors. It will have a collection of pages. Most of the time, these are usually grouped around a specific topic.

A wiki is another type of website that us a number of web pages that are kind of linked together. They allow collaboration from several editors. 

Here is a chart Blog VS WIKI
Editorial text modification.Collaborative text modification.
Best used for opinion sharing.Best used as a knowledge base.
Navigation mainly with the help of categories and tags.Navigation mainly through search and in-text hyperlinks.
Most popular engine is WordPress.Most popular engine is Media Wiki.
Contributors may need to know HTML. Easy visual editors are present.Contributors may need to know wiki syntax. Easy visual editors are present too.
Good choice for individual projects.Choose wikis for group projects where collaboration is planned.Source:

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