Sunday, December 11, 2016


Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, cite at least one of the assigned readings and discuss how new media fosters creativity.

Creativity, creativity can be a dynamic force and new media fosters it. Instagram, snapchat, facebook, twitter, youtube, all of these social medias are outlets for people to let their creativity harvest. This outlet has allowed many youtubers to become rich, instagram people to become models and twitter-ers to get tweeting jobs

OLD vs. NEW ... 
Newspapers -> online versions of newspapers
Books -> eBooks; Google library scanning project
Music -> mp3 files, 
Film -> YouTube; amateur video distribution networks
Art -> fractals (recursive art)
Photography -> flickr
Games -> 
Broadcast -> 
Audio -> 

This is all very interesting though. It seems like this stuff has always been there in some shape or form, only now it is easier to have access to. I think in this day in age, if people so desired to let their creativity flourish in the right venue, they can be highly noted for it and even famous if desired.
Image result for social media

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